All Info Endpoint
Retrieves all available information about a registered indigene of Jigawa State.
Required Permission
Request Headers
apiKey: Your API key (required)
Request Body
(string): The ID of the indigene you want to retrieve information about.
For testing purposes, use one of the following IDs: JG-01-02-501, JG-01-02-502, JG-01-02-503, or JG-01-02-505
Response Type: application/json
Status: Indicates whether the request was successful or not.
: The request was successfully processed.failed
: The request failed due to invalid parameters or lack of permissions.
Message: A message providing more details about the status of the request.
Result: Contains the indigene's information if the request was successful. If the request failed, this will be false.
Result Object
Detailed information about the indigene, including fields like:
jigawa_id title first_name middle_name surname full_name gender dob age email_address phone_number alt_phone_number address passport polling_unit ward lga marital_status occupation maiden_name nin bvn voter_card_no driver_license_no passport_no father_name mother_name spouse_name no_of_dependent nok nok_phone_no nok_address nok_polling_unit nok_ward nok_lga nok_relationship category
{ "jigawa_id": "string" }